Metro Design Standards

The Parks and Natural Areas Levy, passed by the region’s voters in 2013, created an opportunity to bring high design standards to Metro’s parks and natural areas around the metropolitan area. These standards are the foundation that will guide the design and implementation of dozens of projects throughout the life of the levy, establishing the signature elements of Metro’s parks. This can best be accomplished with these standards, which provide a firm foundation from which to make decisions and proceed with a clear process. This site furnishings standard document ensures that the selection, purchase, and installation of all site furnishings for projects within the levy process and beyond will reaffirm the Metro Compass, Metro Values, and overall vision for the levy work. The standards were developed in the fall of 2013, through a collaborative process involving a cross-departmental committee of Metro staff and the professional services of GreenWorks, PC. The document was completed using observation, inventory of existing site furnishings, and input from staff. Over the course of four stakeholder meetings, the committee refined the final list of furnishings, commented on the merits of existing Metro site furnishings, reviewed an inventory of several other park systems’ site furnishing standards, and refined GreenWorks’ initial recommendations.

The committee meets with GreenWorks to review and provide comments and recommendations to a draft of the site furnishings standards document.