Oregon Department of Justice Site Improvements

The Oregon Department of Justice (DOJ) is the main legal branch of government for the State of Oregon. Its main offices are located in Salem, Oregon in a historic building built in 1929 adjacent to the state capitol building and the capitol mall grounds. GreenWorks provided new planting and irrigation design services to replace existing planting and irrigation of the DOJ building site perimeter. Much of the existing planting and irrigation piping was from the 1930’s and in need of an upgrade. Large overgrown rhododendrons were posing security concerns and the irrigation system had become a patchwork of repairs. The new planting design addresses security, provides a mixture of native and ornamental plant species, and upholds the standards of the capitol mall landscape. The new, efficient irrigation uses water saving rotor spray heads. Additional project site improvements include waterproofing the building foundation and a large electrical vault as well as resurfacing the facility parking area. These improvements follow on the heels of an extensive interior remodel completed in 2007. The client for this project is State of Oregon, Department of Administrative Services (DAS). Project design consultants include SERA (Architecture - project lead), KPFF (Civil Engineering), PAE Consulting (Electrical Engineering), Peter Meijer Architect (Historical Consultant) and Professional Roof Consultants (Waterproofing). The contractor for the project is Dalke Construction and the landscape contractor is DeSantis Landscapes.

Existing Design